Centre for Advanced Electronics

Indian Institute of Technology Indore

All Events

Invited Webinar Series
Speaker: Prof. Rajeev Ram, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

Title: Nanoscale Foundries: Electronics, Photonics, Ionics, Fluidics
August 14, 2020
Time: 6 pm (IST)

Speaker: Prof. Navakanta Bhat, CeNSE, IISc Bangalore

Title: Chemiresistive Gas Sensors : Towards Electronic Nose
Date: August 4, 2020
Time: 4 pm (IST)

Short Term Courses
TEQIP-III Sponsored Online Faculty Development Program

VLSI and Nanotechnology in Energy, Environment, & Neuromorphic Computation
Duration: December 21-23, 2020
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TEQIP-III Sponsored Online Faculty Development Program

Advanced Technology for Materials Physics and Engineering
Duration: November 16-20, 2020
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TEQIP-III Sponsored Online Faculty Development Program

Fundamentals of Effective Manuscript Writing
Date: December 2-4, 2020
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QIP-sponsored Online Faculty Development Program

Emerging Trends in VLSI and Nanoelectronics for Building Atmanirbhar Bharat
February 15-20, 2021
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Empowering Women in Sensor Technology

IEEE Sensors Council Student Branch Chapter IITI organized "Empowering Women in Sensor Technology"
December 16, 2022
9:30 Am - 5:30 PM Details